Not Just Firms: History, Law, and Economics (Paris, 2007, March 23-24)
Programme (pdf)
Friday March 23
Session 1 : Birth and Failure : 10-12 AM (salle 10)
Ownership Concentration in Brazil since 1890: Myths and Realities.
Aldo Musacchio
texte intégral
The rise of bankruptcies in 19th century France: law or economics?
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur et Nadine Levrato
texte intégral
Session Chair: Jean-Louis Halperin (ENS)
LUNCH--Cafereria PSE
Session 2 : Contracts : 1:45-3:45 PM (salle 10)
From flawed laws to successful rules: invention, implementation and failures of French agricultural warrants.
Patrice Baubeau
texte intégral
Session Chair: Jerome Sgard (CEPII)
Session 3 : Organizing Market : 4-6 PM (salle 10)
The Micro-Structure of the Bond Markets.
Bruno Biais and Richard Green
texte intégral
Making 18th Century Dutch Auctions Work; Customs, Rules, and Interests.
Anne Wegener Sleeswijk
Session Chair: Michel Lescure (Univ. de Paris 10)
Dinner: 8 pm location TBA
Saturday March 24
Session 4 : The firm and the law : 10-12 AM (salle A2)
Session Chair: Patrick Fridenson (EHESS)