Histoire économique des inégalités (Paris, 14 novembre 2006)
Programme (pdf)
Session 1 : Initial condition : 10h00-12h00 (salle 8)
Long run changes in the concentration of wealth: An overview of recent finding.
Henry Ohlsson (Uppsala University), Jesper Roine (Stockholm School of Economics) and Daniel Waldenström (Research Institute of Industrial Economics)
texte intégral
Demography and the increased concentration of wealth in Paris 1807-1912 (Age and Gender).
Thomas Piketty (EHESS, PSE), Gilles Postel-Vinay (EHESS, INRA-LEA) and Jean-Laurent Rosenthal (CalTech, PSE)
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Discussion leader : Tony Atkinson
Session 2 : Of Space and Time : 13h45-15h45 (Grande salle)
Where have (almost) all the wealthy gone? Spatial decomposition of wealth trends in France, 1820-1939.
Jérôme Bourdieu (INRA-LEA), Marta Menendez (Univ. Paris Dauphine, INRA-LEA), Gilles Postel-Vinay (EHESS, INRA-LEA) and Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann (INRA-LEA)
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Spatial inequalities in West Africa: the long term impact of French colonial public policy.
Elise Huilery (DIAL)
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Discussion leader : Jean-Yves Grenier
Session 3 : Mobility : 16h00-18h00 (Grande salle)
Intergenerational mobility across time in five African countries.
Thomas Bossuroy (EHESS, DIAL), Denis Cogneau (IRD, DIAL) and Victor Hiller (Univ. Paris 1)
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Vive la différence? Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in France and the U.S. in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Jérôme Bourdieu (INRA-LEA), Joseph Ferrie (Northwestern Univ.) and Lionel Kesztenbaum (INED, Univ. d'Evry)
texte intégral
Discussion leader : Peter Solar