Agenda du séminaire Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 11/03/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 18/03/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
HONG Sehyun () *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 25/03/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
DOERFLER Maximilian () *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 01/04/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 08/04/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
GEUNA Pietro (PSE) *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 15/04/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
SHARMA Vrinda (PSE) *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 22/04/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 29/04/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
HéLIE Julia (PSE) *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 06/05/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
GABRIELLI Maria Valentina () *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 13/05/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
salle R-2.21
This paper provides the first time series of the gender earnings ratio for the
full-time employed workforce in Germany since the 1870s and compares Germany’s path with the Swedish and U.S. cases. The industrialization period
yielded slow advances in economic gender relations due to women’s delayed
inclusion in the industrial workforce. The first half of the 20th century exhibited a marked leap. In Germany, the gender earnings ratio increased from 47%
in 1913 to 58% in 1937. Similar increases are visible in Sweden and the United
States. In all three countries, the interplay between increased women’s education and increased returns to education due to the expanding white-collar
sector fueled pay convergence. Yet in Germany, women’s educational catch-up
was slowed due to the dominance of on-the-job vocational training. German
women’s migration from low-paid agricultural work to higher-paid white-collar
jobs was predominantly increasing the gender pay ratio. The postwar period
brought diverging developments between Germany, Sweden and the United
States due to different economic conditions and policy action.
NEEF Theresa (Halle Institute for Economic Research & World Inequality Lab) The Long Way to Gender Equality: Gender Pay Differences in Germany, 1871-2021
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 20/05/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
MOSHRIF Rowaida () *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 27/05/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
WOO-MORA Guillermo (PSE) *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 03/06/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 10/06/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
MEISTER Lorenz () *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 17/06/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
MARTíNEZ-TOLEDANO Clara (Imperial College London) *
Applied Economics Lunch Seminar
Le 24/06/2025 de 12:30:00 à 13:30:00
SORIA ESPIN Javier () *