Archives du séminaire NGOs, Development and Globalization
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 29/05/2018 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Salle R1-15, PSE Campus jourdan- 48 Bd Jourdan 75014 Paris
DIETRICH Simone (University of Geneva) Comparing elite and citizen preferences for bypass or engage aid: evidence from survey experiments in US,UK, Germany and France
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 30/01/2018 de 14:30:00 à 17:30:00
Campus Jourdan - Room : R1-14
14:30-15:20 - Philippe Garnier (NGO CRAterre, Architect and researcher)
”On the transition between emergency aid, reconstruction and long term development”
15:20-16:10 Ruben Durante (Sciences Po)
”The life of others: explaining differences in news coverage of human losses around the world”
(with M. Djourelova and E. Papaioannou”)
16:10-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-17:30 Nancy Carfrae (UIA - Union of International Associations, coordinator)
“UIA: 100 years of documenting international civil society”
KOENIG Pamina, (University of Geneva) *
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 17/10/2017 de 14:30:00 à 17:00:00
Campus Jourdan - Salle R1-15
14:30-15:20 - Karine Jacquemart (Director - Foodwatch France)
Insights from a citizen-based watchdog in the food sector
15:20-15:50 - Coffee Break
15:50-16:40 Jean Philippe Platteau (University of Namur)
Optimal management of transfers : an odd paradox (with François Bourguignon)
PLATTEAU Jean Philippe (University of Namur) *
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 09/05/2017 de 14:30:00 à 17:30:00
Campus Jourdan (nouveau bâtiment) 48, boulevard Jourdan - 75014 Paris - Salle R1-16
14:30-15:20 Gaëlle Balineau (AFD - French Development Agency)
Title to be confirmed
15:20-16:10 Vera Danilina (Aix-Marseille School of Economics)
”Trade Integration, and the Polarisation of Eco-labelling Strategies”
16:10-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-17:30 François Libois (Paris School of Economics)
NGOs as commitment device for rent-seeking governments”
KOENIG Pamina, (University of Namur) *
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 17/01/2017 de 00:00:00 à 00:00:00
Salle 10, Campus Jourdan, 48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris
14:30-15:20 Sylvaine Poret (INRA-ALISS)
”Label Battles: Competition among NGOs as Standard Setters"
15:20-16:10 Thomas Davreux (PEFC Belgium)
”Forest certification schemes: competition, firms, and consumers”
16:10-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-17:30 Sebastian Krautheim (University of Passau)
”The International Organization of Production, Credence Goods and NGOs” with Philipp Herkenhoff (University of Munich)
KOENIG Pamina, (University of Namur) *
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 11/10/2016 de 14:00:00 à 18:00:00
14:30-15:20 - Charlotte Emlinger (CEPII)
Quality and export performance: Evidence from cheese industry, with Sabine Duvaleix-Treguer, Carl Gaigné, Karine Latouche
15:20-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-16:40 - Nathalie Ferrière (PSE-EHESS)
Aid fragmentation: does the level of analysis matter? Evidence from humanitarian aid.
KOENIG Pamina, (University of Namur) *
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 01/02/2016 de 14:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment A, Rez de chaussée, Salle 2
14:30-15:20 - Paul Seabright (Toulouse School of Economics)
God insures the ones who pay? Formal Insurance and Religious Offerings in a Pentecostal Church in Accra, Ghana
(with Emmanuelle Auriol, Julie Lassébie and Eva Raiber).
15:20-16:10 - Magda Stoczkiewicz (Director, Friends of the Earth Europe)
”Friends of the Earth Europe, a case study of its structure and decisions ”
16:10-16:40 - Coffee Break
16:40-17:30 - Elise Huillery (Sciences Po)
Misplaced Effort: Impact of a Pay-for-Performance Scheme in the Health Sector
(with Juliette Seban)
KOENIG Pamina, (University of Namur) God insures the ones who pay? Formal Insurance and Religious Offerings in a Pentecostal Church in Accra, Ghana
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 05/10/2015 de 12:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment G, Rez de chaussée, Salle 10
The 9th ONG, Development and Globalization
14:30-15:25 - Robert Blood (Sigwatch)
" How SIGWATCH tracks activist risk to industries and businesses"
15:30-15:50 - Philipp Herkenhoff (LMU Munich)
"The International Organization of Production with activist NGOs", with Sebastian Krautheim
16:00-16:20 - Coffee Break
16:20-17:15 - Pamina Koenig (University of Rouen and PSE),
"The Geography of Activist NGOs' campaigns", with Sophie Hatte 17:15-17:35 - Sebastian Krautheim (University of Passau)
"Good Cop-Bad Cop: Dynamic NGO Strategy, Offshoring and Technology Choice", with Thierry Verdier
KOENIG Pamina, (University of Namur) *
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 19/05/2015 de 14:00:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment G, Rez de chaussée, Salle 10
KOENIG Pamina, (University of Namur) *
Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline (University Paris I, Paris School of Economics)
"Merchants of Doubt: Lobbying Strategy when Scientific Credibility is Uncertain" (with Thomas Lyon)
Michel Maietta (Action Against Hunger and IRIS)
"Humanitarian access in crisis : risk aversion and innovation stalemate"
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 20/01/2015 de 14:00:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment G, 1er étage, Salle de réunion
KOENIG Pamina, ()
14:30-15:30 Michel GENET
Greenpeace, the (beautiful?) and unknown NGO 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 Malika Hamadi (Cergy University)
Competition, Loan Rates and Information Dispersion in Microcredit Market".
17:00-18:00 Discussion around ongoing and future work Texte intégral
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 30/09/2014 de 14:00:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment G, 1er étage, Salle de réunion
The 6th NGO - Programme ()
14:30-15:30 - Marie-Christine Apedo-Amah (Aix-Marseille University):
"Implementing a development project with local private firms: how the legal structure of the firms and the risk aversion of workers determine the choice of the provider"
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 - Moritz Hennicke (Cergy University),
"The Political Economy of Advocacy NGOs"
17:00-18:00 - Discussion around ongoing and future work Texte intégral
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 27/05/2014 de 14:00:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment G, 1er étage, Salle de réunion
KOENIG Pamina, () 5th edition NGOs - Programme :
14:30 - 15:30
Pamina Koenig (U. Rouen and PSE), "NGO activism and the behavior of Chinese firms",with Sandra Poncet
16:00 - 17:00
Sophie Hatte (U. Rouen and PSE),
"It's Not Who You are, It's Who You Know: Political Connections and Media Capture"
17:00 - 17:45
Discussion around ongoing work
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 07/10/2013 de 14:00:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment G, Rez de chaussée, Salle 8
KOENIG Pamina, () 4th edition NGOs
14:30-15:30 Amanda Murdie
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 Pierre Galand
17:00-17:45 Discussion around ongoing work
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 14/05/2013 de 09:00:00 à 13:00:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment G, Rez de chaussée, Salle 8
KOENIG Pamina, ()
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 14/01/2013 de 14:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment G, Rez de chaussée, Salle 8
KOENIG Pamina, ()
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 08/10/2012 de 14:00:00 à 19:00:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment G, Rez de chaussée, Salle 8
KOENIG Pamina, ()
NGOs, Development and Globalization
Le 00/00/0000 de 14:30:00 à 15:30:00
Campus Jourdan - Room : R1-14
14:30-15:20 Philippe Garnier (NGO CRAterre, Architect and researcher)
”On the transition between emergency aid, reconstruction and long term development”
15:20-16:10 Ruben Durante (Sciences Po)
”The life of others: explaining differences in news coverage of human losses around the world”
(with M. Djourelova and E. Papaioannou”)
16:10-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-17:30 Nancy Carfrae (UIA - Union of International Associations, coordinator)
“UIA: 100 years of documenting international civil society”
KOENIG Pamina, () *