Calendrier du 03 avril 2024
Development Economics Seminar
Du 03/04/2024 de 16:30 à 18:00
CARTER Michael (University of California)
Psychosocial Constraints, Impact Heterogeneity and Spillovers in a Multifaceted Graduation Program in Kenya
Poverty reduction programs modeled on BRAC's graduation approach build up both tangible productive assets and intangible psychosocial assets such as self-confidence and the aspiration for upward mobility. The goal of this paper is to better understand how psychosocial factors operate and shape the impact of graduation programs. After deriving a set of hypotheses about the impacts of psychosocial constraints from a dynamic optimization model of the choice between a low income, casual wage-labor occupation and a higher earning entrepreneurial activity, this paper exploits a randomized controlled trial of a graduation program implemented in the pastoralist regions of Northern Kenya. Key empirical findings include that the estimated highly favorable average treatment effects disguise substantial heterogeneity, with beneficiaries who began with severe depressive symptoms gaining little from the program. The RCT's saturation design also allows us to identify substantial spillover effects onto the asset accumulation of women who were not enrolled in the graduation program. Spillovers are also estimated to positively affect non-beneficiary women's preference for upward economic mobility, providing a plausible explanation for their accumulation of capital despite no direct support from the graduation program. The paper draws out the implications of these findings for the cost-effective design and implementation of graduation programs.
Histoire des entreprises et de la finance
Du 03/04/2024 de 16:00 à 17:30
La Commission des opérations de Bourse?: à la recherche d’une indépendance pragmatique
écrit avec Aubert Pablo, Iouri Stojanovic
Ce travail présente trois résultats. Il permet tout d’abord de mettre en lumière les tensions générées par la «?division du travail étatique?» (Bezes et Le Lidec 2016) dans les années 1970-1980 entre les agences dites «?indépendantes?» et les administrations historiques. Le gouvernement, soucieux de mener à bien ses divers objectifs, s’écartèle entre une autorité d’une nouvelle forme et un Trésor conservateur qui se trouve peu à peu dépossédé de ses missions. Dans un second temps, il permet de comprendre certains des mécanismes par lesquels le Trésor parvient à maintenir — par les rapports de force qu’il impose — sa position sur l’échiquier politique, incarné par son pouvoir hiérarchique. Pour
Economic History Seminar
Du 03/04/2024 de 12:00 à 13:30
TANG John (Utrecht)
Superstition, fertility, and modernization: evidence from Japan
This project explores the relationship between modernization and cultural change by examining fertility patterns in twentieth century Japan. Japanese spirituality, which historically combined elements of animism, Shintoism, and Buddhism, informed fertility patterns by identifying auspicious and inauspicious years to give birth. During the Meiji Period (1868-1912), the central government implemented reforms to dramatically expand mass education alongside industrial and urban development. In the post-war period, advances in medical technology and family planning may have also contributed to the population's ability to avoid births in unlucky years. By using the spatial and temporal variation in education, urbanization, employment, and medical services, one can identify whether increased modernity coincided with less adherence to superstition in the timing of births.