Calendrier du 09 octobre 2024
Development Economics Seminar
Du 09/10/2024 de 16:30 à 18:00
VOENA Alessandra (Stanford University)
Traditional Institutions in Modern Times: Dowries as Pensions When Sons Migrate
écrit avec Natalie Bau, Gaurav Khanna, Corinne Low
This paper examines whether an important cultural institution in India – dowry
– can enable male migration by increasing liquidity at the time of marriage. We
hypothesize that one cost of migration is the disruption of traditional elderly support
structures, where sons co-reside with parents and care for them in their old age.
Dowry can attenuate this cost by providing sons and parents with a liquid transfer
that eases constraints on income sharing. To test this, we collect two novel datasets
on property rights over dowry among migrants and among families of migrants. Net
transfers of dowry to a man’s parents are common. Consistent with using dowry
for income sharing, transfers occur more when sons migrate, especially when they
work in higher-earning occupations. Nationally representative data confirms that
migration rates are higher in areas with stronger historical dowry traditions. Finally,
exploiting a large-scale highway construction program, we show that men from areas
with stronger dowry traditions have a higher migration response to a reduction in
migration costs. Despite its potential negative consequences, dowry may play a role
in facilitating migration and therefore, economic development.
Economic History Seminar
Du 09/10/2024 de 12:30 à 14:00
KOUDIJS Peter (University Rotterdam)
Collateral damage: The impact of finance on slavery
This paper aims to understand an underexposed aspect of slavery: the financial economics behind it. Did the availability of finance, and the use of enslaved people as collateral, stimulate the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the use of slave labor on plantations? Did financial shocks have long-term consequences for the mortality and health of enslaved people? We study these questions in the context of Surinam in the 18th century using newly collected databases on plantations and enslaved people