Calendrier du 11 octobre 2024
Casual Friday Development Seminar - Brown Bag Seminar
Du 11/10/2024 de 13:00 à 14:00
ESTRADA Ricardo (CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean)
Money and lies: proxy respondents and the mismeasurement of income in surveys
When sampled individuals are not found at home, many surveys rely on a proxy
respondent: another knowledgeable household member. We study the effect of proxy
reporting on the measurement of labor income in Mexico. For identification, we use
the panel structure of the Mexican labor force survey and compare workers’ income
when they report it themselves to their income when another household member does
the reporting. We find that the monthly wage of male workers is 6.1% lower when
reported by a proxy. For female workers, the reporting gap is minute. We provide
evidence that the gap in the reported income of male workers is due to asymmetry
of information within the household, in part due to men hiding income from their
relatives. Finally, we study the implications of using proxy respondents and find that
it can lead to an underestimation of the gender wage gap by 60%.