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Programme de la semaine

Liste des séminaires

Les séminaires mentionnés ici sont ouverts principalement aux chercheurs et doctorants et sont consacrés à des présentations de recherches récentes. Les enseignements, séminaires et groupes de travail spécialisés offerts dans le cadre des programmes de master sont décrits dans la rubrique formation.

Les séminaires d'économie

Applied Economics Lunch Seminar

Atelier Histoire Economique

Behavior seminar

Behavior Working Group

brown bag Travail et Économie Publique

Casual Friday Development Seminar - Brown Bag Seminar

Development Economics Seminar

Economic History Seminar

Economics and Complexity Lunch Seminar

Economie industrielle

EPCI (Economie politique du changement institutionnel) Seminar

Football et sciences sociales : les footballeurs entre institutions et marchés

GSIELM (Graduate Students International Economics and Labor Market) Lunch Seminar

Histoire des entreprises et de la finance

Industrial Organization

Job Market Seminar

Macro Retreat

Macro Workshop

Macroeconomics Seminar

NGOs, Development and Globalization

Paris Game Theory Seminar

Paris Migration Seminar

Paris Seminar in Demographic Economics

Paris Trade Seminar

PEPES (Paris Empirical Political Economics) Working Group

PhD Conferences

Propagation Mechanisms

PSI-PSE (Petit Séminaire Informel de la Paris School of Economics) Seminar

Regional and urban economics seminar

Régulation et Environnement

RISK Working Group

Roy Seminar (ADRES)

Séminaire d'Economie et Psychologie

The Construction of Economic History Working Group

Theory Working Group

TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) Lunch Seminar

Travail et économie publique externe

WIP (Work in progress) Working Group

Les séminaires de sociologie, anthropologie, histoire et pluridisciplinaires

Casse-croûte socio

Déviances et contrôle social : Approche interdisciplinaire des déviances et des institutions pénales

Dispositifs éducatifs, socialisation, inégalités

La discipline au travail. Qu’est-ce que le salariat ?

Méthodes quantitatives en sociologie

Modélisation et méthodes statistiques en sciences sociales

Objectiver la souffrance

Sciences sociales et immigration

Archives d'économie

Accumulation, régulation, croissance et crise

Commerce international appliqué

Conférences PSE

Economie du travail et inégalités

Economie industrielle

Economie monétaire internationale

Economie publique et protection sociale

Groupe de modélisation en macroéconomie

Groupe de travail : Economie du travail et inégalités

Groupe de travail : Macroeconomic Tea Break

Groupe de travail : Risques

Health Economics Working Group

Journée de la Fédération Paris-Jourdan

Lunch séminaire Droit et Economie

Marché du travail et inégalités

Risques et protection sociale

Séminaire de Recrutement de Professeur Assistant

Seminaire de recrutement sénior


Archives de sociologie, anthropologie, histoire et pluridisciplinaires

Conférence du Centre de Théorie et d'Analyse du Droit

Espace social des inégalités contemporaines. La constitution de l'entre-soi

Etudes halbwachsiennes

Familles, patrimoines, mobilités

Frontières de l'anthropologie

L'auto-fabrication des sociétés : population, politiques sociales, santé

La Guerre des Sciences Sociales

Population et histoire politique au XXe siècle

Pratiques et méthodes de la socio-histoire du politique

Pratiques quantitatives de la sociologie

Repenser la solidarité au 21e siècle

Séminaire de l'équipe ETT du CMH

Séminaire ethnographie urbaine

Sociologie économique

Terrains et religion

Calendrier du 14 octobre 2024

Roy Seminar (ADRES)

Du 14/10/2024 de 16:00 à 17:15


BACCARA Mariagiovanna (Washington University in Saint Louis)

Research Waves

écrit avec Gilat Levy (London School of Economics) and Ronny Razin (Ronny Razin)

We study a continuous-time setting in which researchers irreversibly choose between two risky fields of exploration and their individual time of entry. Information production in each field depends on the mass of researchers who have already joined that field. In the bad news case, where a unique 'bandwagon' equilibrium wave emerges, we show that as the priors of the two fields are further apart, the equilibrium wave starts earlier, and it is slower and longer. On the other hand, the good news case is characterized by two sequential fast surges into the two fields. The probability of both fields being explored depends on the researchers' pool size and the efficacy of the information production technology. We compare the equilibrium outcomes to a welfare benchmark that accounts for the societal externalities of research and discuss how alternative incentive structures (such as citations' impact and tenure clock) affect the researchers' specialization decisions.

Paris Migration Economics Seminar

Du 14/10/2024 de 12:30 à 13:30



Zero-Sum Thinking and the Roots of US Political Differences

We investigate the origins and implications of zero-sum thinking – the belief that gains for one individual or group tend to come at the cost of others. Using a new survey of a sample of 20,400 U.S. residents, we measure zero-sum thinking, political preferences, policy views, and a rich array of ancestral information spanning four generations. We find that a more zero-sum mindset is strongly associated with more support for government redistribution, race- and gender-based affirmative action, and more restrictive immigration policies. Zero-sum thinking can be traced back to the experiences of both the individual and their ancestors, encompassing factors such as the degree of intergenerational upward mobility they experienced, whether they immigrated to the United States or lived in a location with more immigrants, and whether they were enslaved or lived in a location with more enslavement

Régulation et Environnement

Du 14/10/2024 de 11:00 à 12:15



*Local Extreme Climate Events and Public Budgets

Local government action is crucial for mitigating and adapting to the effects of the ongoing climate crisis. This paper analyses the impact of extreme climate events on subnational public spending and revenue allocation in Spain from 2010 to 2021. To this end, I combine municipal-level budgets with measures of drought severity and heat waves and rely on the plausibly exogenous nature of these shocks for identification. I find small positive effects of high temperatures on public service provision expenditure, with some evidence of adaptation. Similarly, an event study approach shows that there are increases in water provision expenditure in the years after a severe drought.