Calendrier du 15 avril 2024
Paris Migration Economics Seminar
Du 15/04/2024 de 12:30 à 13:30
TURATI Riccardo (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Immigration and Cultural Heterogeneity: Evidence from two Decades in Europe
écrit avec Y. Elkhateeb and J. Valette
This paper investigates the impact of immigration on cultural heterogeneity in Europe from 2004 to 2018 at the regional level. It combines European Social Survey data, to measure cultural heterogeneity across several cultural traits, with immigrant data from the European Labor Force Survey. Our findings show that overall cultural heterogeneity is negatively influenced by inflows of immigrants. The results indicate that while low-skilled and non-European immigrants increase cultural heterogeneity by introducing new values in destination countries, this effect fades rapidly with assimilation. It is also outweighed by a stronger cultural reaction of natives to the higher share of high-skilled immigrants within Europe that correlates with reduced cultural fractionalization among natives. By emphasizing birthplace as a relevant cleavage in studying cultural divisions, our study provides insights into how immigration can shape the distribution of cultural values in modern societies.