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Programme de la semaine

Liste des séminaires

Les séminaires mentionnés ici sont ouverts principalement aux chercheurs et doctorants et sont consacrés à des présentations de recherches récentes. Les enseignements, séminaires et groupes de travail spécialisés offerts dans le cadre des programmes de master sont décrits dans la rubrique formation.

Les séminaires d'économie

Applied Economics Lunch Seminar

Atelier Histoire Economique

Behavior seminar

Behavior Working Group

brown bag Travail et Économie Publique

Casual Friday Development Seminar - Brown Bag Seminar

Development Economics Seminar

Economic History Seminar

Economics and Complexity Lunch Seminar

Economie industrielle

EPCI (Economie politique du changement institutionnel) Seminar

Football et sciences sociales : les footballeurs entre institutions et marchés

GSIELM (Graduate Students International Economics and Labor Market) Lunch Seminar

Histoire des entreprises et de la finance

Industrial Organization

Job Market Seminar

Macro Retreat

Macro Workshop

Macroeconomics Seminar

NGOs, Development and Globalization

Paris Game Theory Seminar

Paris Migration Seminar

Paris Seminar in Demographic Economics

Paris Trade Seminar

PEPES (Paris Empirical Political Economics) Working Group

PhD Conferences

Propagation Mechanisms

PSI-PSE (Petit Séminaire Informel de la Paris School of Economics) Seminar

Regional and urban economics seminar

Régulation et Environnement

RISK Working Group

Roy Seminar (ADRES)

Séminaire d'Economie et Psychologie

The Construction of Economic History Working Group

Theory Working Group

TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) Lunch Seminar

Travail et économie publique externe

WIP (Work in progress) Working Group

Les séminaires de sociologie, anthropologie, histoire et pluridisciplinaires

Casse-croûte socio

Déviances et contrôle social : Approche interdisciplinaire des déviances et des institutions pénales

Dispositifs éducatifs, socialisation, inégalités

La discipline au travail. Qu’est-ce que le salariat ?

Méthodes quantitatives en sociologie

Modélisation et méthodes statistiques en sciences sociales

Objectiver la souffrance

Sciences sociales et immigration

Archives d'économie

Accumulation, régulation, croissance et crise

Commerce international appliqué

Conférences PSE

Economie du travail et inégalités

Economie industrielle

Economie monétaire internationale

Economie publique et protection sociale

Groupe de modélisation en macroéconomie

Groupe de travail : Economie du travail et inégalités

Groupe de travail : Macroeconomic Tea Break

Groupe de travail : Risques

Health Economics Working Group

Journée de la Fédération Paris-Jourdan

Lunch séminaire Droit et Economie

Marché du travail et inégalités

Risques et protection sociale

Séminaire de Recrutement de Professeur Assistant

Seminaire de recrutement sénior


Archives de sociologie, anthropologie, histoire et pluridisciplinaires

Conférence du Centre de Théorie et d'Analyse du Droit

Espace social des inégalités contemporaines. La constitution de l'entre-soi

Etudes halbwachsiennes

Familles, patrimoines, mobilités

Frontières de l'anthropologie

L'auto-fabrication des sociétés : population, politiques sociales, santé

La Guerre des Sciences Sociales

Population et histoire politique au XXe siècle

Pratiques et méthodes de la socio-histoire du politique

Pratiques quantitatives de la sociologie

Repenser la solidarité au 21e siècle

Séminaire de l'équipe ETT du CMH

Séminaire ethnographie urbaine

Sociologie économique

Terrains et religion

Calendrier du 20 septembre 2018

Travail et économie publique externe

Du 20/09/2018 de 12:30 à 13:45

ROBIN Jean-Marc (Sciences Po)

On Worker and Firm Heterogeneity in Wages and Employment Mobility: Evidence from Danish Register Data

écrit avec Co-authors: Rasmus Lentz and Suphanit Piyapromdee

In this paper, we develop a model of wage dynamics and employment mobility with unrestricted interactions between worker and firm unobserved characteristics in both wages and employment mobility. We adopt the finite mixture approach of Bonhomme et al. (2017). The model is estimated on Danish matched employer-employee data for the period 1985-2013. The estimation includes gender, education, age, tenure and time controls. We find significant sorting on wages and it is stable over the period. Sorting is established early in careers, increasing during the first decade after which it declines steadily. Job-to-job mobility displays a “mean-reverting” pattern that maintains correlations between worker and firm types to a stationary level. Counterfactuals demonstrate that sorting is primarily driven by two channels: First, a “preference” channel whereby higher wage workers are more likely to accept jobs in higher wage firms. Second, a job finding channel where the job destination distribution out of non-employment is stochastically increasing in the wage type of the worker.

Texte intégral

TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) Lunch Seminar

Du 20/09/2018 de 12:30 à 13:30

salle R2-20, campus Jourdan - 48 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris


Cheap talk with partial language competence

écrit avec Jeanne Hagenbach (Sciences Po)

Behavior seminar

Du 20/09/2018 de 11:00 à 12:00

salle R2-01, campus Jourdan - 75014 Paris

CHEN Stéphanie (University of Chicago)

Representations of the self-concept and identity-based choice

écrit avec Oleg Urminsky

The identities (social categories) a person holds are important determinants of choice. However, questions remain about why people who have the same identity often behave differently, and how multiple identities interact with other aspects of the self-concept. To understand these questions, I first examine how people mentally represent or organize information about the self-concept. More specifically, I propose a novel theoretical approach to the self-concept that suggests that aspects of the self-concept are seen as defining of an individual to the extent that they are perceived as causally central, having an influence on many other aspects of the self-concept. I then examine the implications of this account of the self-concept for identity-consistent behaviors—do differences in subjective beliefs about how an identity is causally connected to other aspects of the self-concept predict differences in identity-consistent behaviors? I provide evidence that people who perceive an identity (e.g., identity as a Democrat or Republican) as more causally central are more likely to act in identity-consistent ways (e.g., vote for their party’s candidate) than people who possess the same identity but perceive it as more causally peripheral (i.e., connected to fewer other aspects of the self-concept).