Calendrier du 21 mars 2024
brown bag Travail et Économie Publique
Du 21/03/2024 de 12:30 à 13:30
PSE- 48 boulevard Jourdan, 74014 Paris, salle R1-09
OLIVEIRA Florentine (PSE)
Children of the Revolution : Women's Liberation and Children's Success
écrit avec Éric Maurin
In many countries, the 1960s marked a turning point in the history of women's emancipation, with the legalization of abortion as well as the liberalization of the contraceptive pill and divorce. Focusing on France, where the movement was particularly powerful, this article first explores the impact of the reforms on the family context in which children grew up. Our identification strategy is based on the fact that the wind of reforms first affected first-born children born in the 1960s, before affecting all children born in subsequent cohorts. This strategy shows that the sixties revolution has essentially led to a sharp decline in "traditional" families (many children, stay-at-home mothers) in favor of "modern" families (two children max, working mothers). We explore the consequences of these family changes on educational trajectories and find that they have been much more favorable to children from affluent backgrounds than to those from modest ones.
TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) Lunch Seminar
Du 21/03/2024 de 12:30 à 13:30
SI Shuhua (Columbia)
Modes of Thinking in a Complex Game
We study a complex Blotto-like resource allocation game over a continuum of items of different values. Strategies a priori lie in a (high-dimensional) space of functions, each defining how much to bid on each item as a function of its value, given a total resource constraint. We propose to analyze the game in a simplified strategy space: we focus on a three-dimensional space of curve which includes power shapes and S-shapes and analyze the game assuming that a player's strategy set consists of a random selection of visually distinct curves that paves the space of curves. By randomly generating relatively small strategy set profiles, we obtain a distribution of most frequently played strategies for each solution concept examined (e.g., maxmin, best-response dynamics, Nash) which we compare to curve-fitted experimental data. Predictions using restricted sets point towards a significant use of S-shaped curves, as indeed overwhelmingly observed in the data, in contrast to the power curve prediction that obtains when maxmin or equilibrium analysis is performed over rich strategy sets. We also examine comparative statics with respect to asymmetries in resource endowments across players.
Behavior seminar
Du 21/03/2024 de 11:00 à 12:00
MERLINO Luca Paolo (ECARES, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Identifying Marriage Markets”, which is a joint work with Bolletta (Saclay), Cherchye (KUL), De Rock (ULB) and Demuynck (ULB).
We propose a method to identify individuals' marriage markets under the assumption that the observed marriage allocations are stable. Our specific aim is to learn about (the relative importance of) the individual's observable characteristics that define these markets. In a first step, we use a nonparametric revealed preference approach to construct inner and outer bound approximations of individuals' marriage markets from the observed marital matchings. Then, we use the machine learning method called Support Vector Machine (SVM) to estimate a robust boundary between these inner and outer bound approximations. The method estimates the threshold (as a linear function of individual characteristics) that defines whether two potential partners operate in the same marriage market. We demonstrate the practical usefulness of our method through an application to Dutch household consumption data
Macroeconomics Seminar
Du 21/03/2024
PSE- 48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, salle
STORESLETTEN Kjetil (U of Oslo and U of Minnesota)
International Macroeconomics Chair Lecture