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Programme de la semaine

Liste des séminaires

Les séminaires mentionnés ici sont ouverts principalement aux chercheurs et doctorants et sont consacrés à des présentations de recherches récentes. Les enseignements, séminaires et groupes de travail spécialisés offerts dans le cadre des programmes de master sont décrits dans la rubrique formation.

Les séminaires d'économie

Applied Economics Lunch Seminar

Atelier Histoire Economique

Behavior seminar

Behavior Working Group

brown bag Travail et Économie Publique

Casual Friday Development Seminar - Brown Bag Seminar

Development Economics Seminar

Economic History Seminar

Economics and Complexity Lunch Seminar

Economie industrielle

EPCI (Economie politique du changement institutionnel) Seminar

Football et sciences sociales : les footballeurs entre institutions et marchés

GSIELM (Graduate Students International Economics and Labor Market) Lunch Seminar

Histoire des entreprises et de la finance

Industrial Organization

Job Market Seminar

Macro Retreat

Macro Workshop

Macroeconomics Seminar

NGOs, Development and Globalization

Paris Game Theory Seminar

Paris Migration Seminar

Paris Seminar in Demographic Economics

Paris Trade Seminar

PEPES (Paris Empirical Political Economics) Working Group

PhD Conferences

Propagation Mechanisms

PSI-PSE (Petit Séminaire Informel de la Paris School of Economics) Seminar

Regional and urban economics seminar

Régulation et Environnement

RISK Working Group

Roy Seminar (ADRES)

Séminaire d'Economie et Psychologie

The Construction of Economic History Working Group

Theory Working Group

TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) Lunch Seminar

Travail et économie publique externe

WIP (Work in progress) Working Group

Les séminaires de sociologie, anthropologie, histoire et pluridisciplinaires

Casse-croûte socio

Déviances et contrôle social : Approche interdisciplinaire des déviances et des institutions pénales

Dispositifs éducatifs, socialisation, inégalités

La discipline au travail. Qu’est-ce que le salariat ?

Méthodes quantitatives en sociologie

Modélisation et méthodes statistiques en sciences sociales

Objectiver la souffrance

Sciences sociales et immigration

Archives d'économie

Accumulation, régulation, croissance et crise

Commerce international appliqué

Conférences PSE

Economie du travail et inégalités

Economie industrielle

Economie monétaire internationale

Economie publique et protection sociale

Groupe de modélisation en macroéconomie

Groupe de travail : Economie du travail et inégalités

Groupe de travail : Macroeconomic Tea Break

Groupe de travail : Risques

Health Economics Working Group

Journée de la Fédération Paris-Jourdan

Lunch séminaire Droit et Economie

Marché du travail et inégalités

Risques et protection sociale

Séminaire de Recrutement de Professeur Assistant

Seminaire de recrutement sénior


Archives de sociologie, anthropologie, histoire et pluridisciplinaires

Conférence du Centre de Théorie et d'Analyse du Droit

Espace social des inégalités contemporaines. La constitution de l'entre-soi

Etudes halbwachsiennes

Familles, patrimoines, mobilités

Frontières de l'anthropologie

L'auto-fabrication des sociétés : population, politiques sociales, santé

La Guerre des Sciences Sociales

Population et histoire politique au XXe siècle

Pratiques et méthodes de la socio-histoire du politique

Pratiques quantitatives de la sociologie

Repenser la solidarité au 21e siècle

Séminaire de l'équipe ETT du CMH

Séminaire ethnographie urbaine

Sociologie économique

Terrains et religion

Calendrier du mois de octobre 2015

TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) Lunch Seminar

Du 29/10/2015 de 12:45 à 13:45

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


A Theory of Collusion with Partial Mutual Understanding

Unlawful collusion is when Örms have a mutual understanding to coordinate their behavior for the purpose of achieving a supracompetitive outcome. Given the legal focus on mutual beliefs, this paper initiates a research program to explore how much and what type of mutual beliefs among Örms allows them to e§ectively collude. Focusing on price leadership as the collusive mechanism, it is assumed that Örms commonly believe that price increases will be at least matched but lack any shared understanding about who will lead, when they will, and at what prices. Su¢ cient conditions are derived which ensure that supracompetitive prices emerge. However, price is bounded below the maximal equilibrium price.

Economic History Seminar

Du 28/10/2015 de 12:30 à 14:00


The franchise, taxes and public goods: the political economy of sanitation infrastructure in nineteenth-century England

Travail et économie publique externe

Du 28/10/2015 de 12:30 à 13:45


Childhood Exposure to Segregation and Long-Run Criminal Involvement: Evidence from the ‘Whole of Sweden’ Strategy”

Co-auteurs: Susan Niknami (SOFI, Stockholm University) & Per-Olof Robling (SOFI, Stockholm University)

Texte intégral

PSI-PSE (Petit Séminaire Informel de la Paris School of Economics) Seminar

Du 27/10/2015 de 17:00 à 18:30

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


Mandatory Retirement: Demand-side Determinants of Retirement Behaviors

Applied Economics Lunch Seminar

Du 27/10/2015 de 12:30 à 13:30

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH

DUPRAZ Yannick (University College Dublin)

Public Finances in Colonial West Africa: British and French compared

écrit avec Denis Cogneau et Sandrine Mesplé-Somps

Casual Friday Development Seminar - Brown Bag Seminar

Du 23/10/2015 de 12:15 à 13:45


Patrilocality Norm and Household Decision-making: Does the presence of in-laws affect the married women in India?

RISK Working Group

Du 22/10/2015 de 17:00 à 18:15

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH

BREDA Thomas (PSE)

The elasticity of demand for gambling: How much should the machine give me back to make me lose all my money? Evidence from a sample of slot machines

PSI-PSE (Petit Séminaire Informel de la Paris School of Economics) Seminar

Du 21/10/2015 de 17:00 à 18:00

MSE- Room B2.2


Cross-border M&As and eco-environmental performance of European energy utilities

Applied Economics Lunch Seminar

Du 20/10/2015 de 12:30 à 13:30

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH

GARROUSTE Manon (University of Lille)

More harm than good? Sorting effects in a compensatory education program

écrit avec Laurent Davezies

GSIELM (Graduate Students International Economics and Labor Market) Lunch Seminar

Du 19/10/2015 de 12:00 à 13:00

MSE Room S18



Macroeconomics Seminar

Du 15/10/2015 de 16:30 à 17:45

Maison des Sciences Economiques, 6th floor conference room


Macro Workshop

Du 15/10/2015 de 15:00 à 16:00

MSE Campus (106-112 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris), room B. 3.1

KEISTER Todd (Rutgers University)

Liquidity regulation and the implementation of monetary policy », co-written with Morten L. Bech

In addition to revamping existing rules for bank capital, Basel III introduces a new global framework for liquidity regulation. One part of this framework is the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR), which requires banks to hold ssufficient high-quality liquid assets to survive a 30-day period of market stress. As monetary policy typically involves targeting the interest rate on loans of one of these assets central bank reserves it is important to understand how this regulation may impact the e-fficacy of central banks’ current operational frameworks. We introduce term funding and an LCR requirement into an otherwise standard model of monetary policy implementation. We show that when banks face the possibility of an LCR shortfall, it becomes more challenging for a central bank to control the overnight interest rate and the short end of the yield curve becomes steeper. Our results suggest that central banks may want to adjust their operational frameworks as the new regulation is implemented.

TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) Lunch Seminar

Du 15/10/2015 de 12:45 à 13:45

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


Strategic Design Under Uncertain Evaluations: Structural Analysis of Design-Build Auctions

I investigate firms’ competition over price and product design under uncertain design evaluations in the context of Design-Build (DB) auctions. Reviewers’ design evaluations contain uncertainty from a bidder’s perspective, leading luck to dampen differences in firms’ chances of winning. I model bidders’ behavior and show semiparametric identification of the model primitives. Uncertain evaluations reduce the expected price of design quality, and exacerbate an auctioneer’s uncertainty in auction outcomes. A simple adjustment in the auction mechanism may completely shut down the impact of uncertain evaluations on bidding incentives, restoring efficient allocations of projects.

PEPES (Paris Empirical Political Economics) Working Group

Du 15/10/2015 de 12:30 à 14:00

BURSZTYN Leonardo (*)

Identifying Ideology: Experimental Evidence on Anti-Americanism in Pakistan

Identifying the role of intrinsic, ideological motivation in political behavior is confounded by agents’ consequential aims and social concerns. We present an experimental methodology isolating Pakistani men’s intrinsic motives for expressing anti-American ideology in a context with clearly-specified financial costs, but negligible other consequential or social considerations. Fol- lowing a survey, we offer subjects a bonus payment. One-quarter of subjects forgo around one-fifth of a day’s wage to avoid anonymously checking a box indicating gratitude toward the U.S. government, revealing anti-Americanism. We find that even extremists moderate their political expression when the financial cost is high and when anticipating public expression.

Texte intégral

Football et sciences sociales : les footballeurs entre institutions et marchés

Du 14/10/2015 de 18:00 à 19:30

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


Du district à la fédération : les étapes significatives d’une carrière d’arbitre de football

Development Economics Seminar

Du 14/10/2015 de 17:00 à 18:30

JAKIELA Pamela (University of Maryland)

The Impact of Violence on Individual Risk Preferences: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

écrit avec Owen Ozier

We estimate the impact of Kenya’s post-election violence on individual risk preferences. Because the crisis interrupted a longitudinal survey of more than five thousand Kenyan youth, this timing creates plausibly exogenous variation in exposure to civil conflict by the time of the survey. We measure individual risk preferences using hypothetical lottery choice questions which we validate by showing that they predict migration and entrepreneurship in the cross-section. Our results indicate that the post-election violence increased individual risk aversion significantly. Findings remain robust when we use an IV estimation strategy that exploits random assignment of respondents to waves of surveying.

Texte intégral

Economic History Seminar

Du 14/10/2015 de 12:30 à 14:00


Inherited wealth over the path of development: Sweden, 1810–2010

PSI-PSE (Petit Séminaire Informel de la Paris School of Economics) Seminar

Du 13/10/2015 de 17:00 à 18:00

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


Second generation immigrants' and natives' overeducation: some inequalities?

Paris Trade Seminar

Du 13/10/2015 de 14:30 à 16:00

Sciences Po(56 rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris, salle Goguel )



Texte intégral

Applied Economics Lunch Seminar

Du 13/10/2015 de 12:30 à 13:30

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


The OECD Wealth database

Roy Seminar (ADRES)

Du 12/10/2015 de 17:00 à 18:15


Event Subscription and Non-cooperative Network Formation

GSIELM (Graduate Students International Economics and Labor Market) Lunch Seminar

Du 12/10/2015 de 12:00 à 13:00

MSE Room S18

STEMMER Michael A. (PARIS 1)


Industrial Organization

Du 12/10/2015 de 12:00 à 13:15

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


Partial Vertical Integration, Ownership Structure and Foreclosure

écrit avec Co-authors : Nadav Levy and David Giloy

Texte intégral

Casual Friday Development Seminar - Brown Bag Seminar

Du 09/10/2015 de 12:45 à 13:45



TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) Lunch Seminar

Du 08/10/2015 de 12:45 à 13:45

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


An application of behavioral welfare economics to consumption data

Texte intégral

PSI-PSE (Petit Séminaire Informel de la Paris School of Economics) Seminar

Du 07/10/2015 de 17:00 à 18:00

MSE- Room B2.2

STEMMER Michel ()


Applied Economics Lunch Seminar

Du 06/10/2015 de 12:30 à 13:30

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH


Do Politicians Change Public Attitudes?

Texte intégral

Travail et économie publique externe

Du 06/10/2015 de 12:30 à 14:00

DAHL Gordon ()

Invité Public Policy Seminar présentation sur le Lunch séminaire d'économie appliquée

Roy Seminar (ADRES)

Du 05/10/2015 de 17:00 à 18:15

MSE (106-112, boulevard de l'Hôpital, salle du 6ème étage) 75013 Paris


Local and Consistent Centrality Measures in Network

NGOs, Development and Globalization

Du 05/10/2015 de 12:30 à 18:00

Campus jourdan,Bâtiment B, 1er étage, Salle CMH

The 9th ONG, Development and Globalization 14:30-15:25 - Robert Blood (Sigwatch) " How SIGWATCH tracks activist risk to industries and businesses" 15:30-15:50 - Philipp Herkenhoff (LMU Munich) "The International Organization of Production with activist NGOs", with Sebastian Krautheim 16:00-16:20 - Coffee Break 16:20-17:15 - Pamina Koenig (University of Rouen and PSE), "The Geography of Activist NGOs' campaigns", with Sophie Hatte 17:15-17:35 - Sebastian Krautheim (University of Passau) "Good Cop-Bad Cop: Dynamic NGO Strategy, Offshoring and Technology Choice", with Thierry Verdier

GSIELM (Graduate Students International Economics and Labor Market) Lunch Seminar

Du 05/10/2015 de 12:00 à 13:00

MSE Room S18



Macroeconomics Seminar

Du 01/10/2015 de 16:30 à 17:45

Maison des Sciences Economiques, 6th floor conference room


Taxing Capital in Representative Agent Economies

Travail et économie publique externe

Du 01/10/2015 de 09:46 à 17:45