Archives du séminaire RISK Working Group
RISK Working Group
Le 16/06/2016 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment A, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
Sen Partah () Anyone for social security reform?Texte intégral
RISK Working Group
Le 19/05/2016 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment A, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
Huber Hélène (Paris 1 - PSE) Testing a nudge policy to reinforce mutualization
RISK Working Group
Le 14/04/2016 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment A, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
We evaluate the introduction of various forms of antihypertensive treatment in France with a distribution-sensitive cost-benefit analysis. Compared to traditional cost-benefit analysis, we implement distributional weighting based on equivalent incomes, a new concept of individual well-being that does respect individual preferences but is not subjectively welfarist. Individual preferences are estimated on the basis of a contingent
valuation question, introduced into a representative survey of the French population. Compared to traditional cost-effectiveness analysis in health technology assessment, we show that it is practically feasible to go beyond a narrow evaluation of health outcomes while still fully exploiting the technical sophistication of medical information. Sensitivity analysis illustrates the relevancy of this richer welfare framework, the importance of the distinction between an ex ante and an ex post-approach, and the need to consider distributional effects
in a broader institutional setting.
SCHOKKAERT Erik (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven CORE) Fairness in cost-benefit analysis: an application to health technology assessment
Anne-Laure SAMSON, Clémence THÉBAUT, Brigitte DORMONT, Marc FLEURBAEY, Stéphane LUCHINI et Carine VAN DE VOORDE
RISK Working Group
Le 17/03/2016 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment A, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
CRAINICH David (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven CORE) Saving and the demand for protection against risk
Co-author : Richard Peter
RISK Working Group
Le 11/02/2016 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment A, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
Juin Sandrine (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven CORE) Financing long-term care through housing in Europe
Carole Bonnet et Anne Laferrère
RISK Working Group
Le 28/01/2016 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment E, Rez de chaussée, Salle 101
BOMMIER Antoine (ETH Zurich) A dual approach to ambiguity aversion
RISK Working Group
Le 26/11/2015 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan,Bâtiment A, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
DORMONT Brigitte (PSL, Université Paris Dauphine) Price elasticity of demand for balance billing : coverage choices and moral hazard
Mathilde PÉRON
RISK Working Group
Le 22/10/2015 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
BREDA Thomas (PSE) The elasticity of demand for gambling: How much should the machine give me back to make me lose all my money? Evidence from a sample of slot machines
RISK Working Group
Le 18/06/2015 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
ARRONDEL Luc (PSE-CNRS) L'épargnant français dans la crise : préférences, anticipations et choix de portefeuille
Co-author(s) : André Masson
RISK Working Group
Le 04/06/2015 de 18:00:00 à 19:15:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
ARRONDEL Luc (PSE-CNRS) L'épargnant français dans la crise : préférences, anticipations et choix de portefeuille; () ; écrit avec Co-author(s) : André Masson
La séance est annulée
RISK Working Group
Le 16/04/2015 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
ZUBER Stéphane (CNRS Paris 1) Preference diversity and fair intertemporal allocation of consumption
Co-author(s) : Marc Fleurbaey and Grégory Ponthière
RISK Working Group
Le 19/03/2015 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Bâtiment A, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
THOMAS Julien (ISFA Lyon 1) Construction et validation des tables de mortalité prospectives: le contexte de l'assurance
RISK Working Group
Le 19/02/2015 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
PESTIEAU Pierre (Université de Liège) Long term care social insurance with two-sided altruism
RISK Working Group
Le 22/01/2015 de 17:30:00 à 18:45:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
VERGNAUD Jean-Christophe (CNRS Paris 1) Stabilité des préférences dans le risque après une expérience à fort impact psychologique
RISK Working Group
Le 04/12/2014 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
PONTHIERE Gregory (PSE Université Paris Est) Pollution, mortalité et compensation
RISK Working Group
Le 20/11/2014 de 17:00:00 à 18:15:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
LEFEBVRE Mathieu (BETA Université Strasbourg) Common components of risk and uncertainty attitudes across contexts and domains: Evidence from 30 countries
Co-author(s) : Ferdinand M. Vieider, Ranoua Bouchouicha, Thorsten Chmura, Rustamdjan Hakimov, Michal Krawczyk, Peter Martinsson
RISK Working Group
Le 04/07/2013 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
MILCENT Carine (PSE) Dépenses de soin, mortalités, communautés religieuses en France
Co-author(s) : A. Chassagnon
RISK Working Group
Le 16/05/2013 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
BOMMIER Antoine (ETH-Zurich) The dead are always wrong
Co-auteur : Thibault Gajdos (GREQAM - CNRS, Marseille)
RISK Working Group
Le 18/04/2013 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
Common sense supports prevention policies aimed at improving survival prospects among the population. It is also widely acknowledged that an early death is a serious disadvantage, and that attention should be paid to the compensation of short-lived individuals. This paper re-examines the compatibility of those two concerns : prevention against early death and compensation for early death. We show that, under mild conditions, no social ordering on allocations can satisfy a concern for prevention and a concern for compensation. The reason is that if it is socially desirable to raise the number of survivors through prevention, it must also be, under costly prevention, desirable to deteriorate the living standards of the short-lived. We then explore two approaches to the prevention / compensation dilemma, and study the associated optimal allocation of resources.
PONTHIERE Gregory (PSE) Prevention against equality?
Co-auteur : Marc Fleurbaey (Princeton)Texte intégral
RISK Working Group
Le 21/02/2013 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
This paper studies the role of private and public long term care (LTC) insurance programs in a world in which family assistance is uncertain.Benefits are paid in case of disability but cannot be conditioned (directly), due to moral hazard problems, on family aid. Under a topping up scheme, when the probability of altruism is high, there is no need for insurance. At lower probabilities, insurance is required, thought not full insurance. This can be provided either privately or publicly if insurance premiums are fair, and publicly otherwise. Moreover, the amount of LTC insurance varies negatively with the probability of altruism. With an opting out scheme, there will be three possible equilibria depending on the children’s degree of altruism being “low,” “moderate,” or “very high”. These imply: full LTC insurance with no aid from children, less than full insurance just enough to induce aid, and full insurance with aid. Fair private insurance markets can support the first equilibrium, but not the other two equilibria. Only a public opting-out scheme can attain them by creating incentives for self-targeting and ensuring that only dependant parents who are not helped by their children seek help from the government.
Pestieau Pierre (CREPP, University of Liège and CORE) Uncertain altruism and the provision of long term care
Co-auteurs : Helmuth Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics - University of Toulouse and Institut universitaire de France) and Firouz Gahvari (Department of Economics - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)Texte intégral
RISK Working Group
Le 20/12/2012 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
Direr Alexis (Université d'Orléans affilié PSE) La baisse tendancielle des rentes réduit-elle la demande d’épargne retraite ? Leçons tirées d’une réforme des tables de mortalité
Co-auteur : Rim Ennajar-SayadiTexte intégral
RISK Working Group
Le 15/11/2012 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
FONTAINE Roméo (IRDES) Perception du risque dépendance et demande d'assurance : une analyse à partir de l'enquête PATER
Co-auteurs : Manuel Plisson, Jérôme Wittwer, Nina Zerrar.
RISK Working Group
Le 18/10/2012 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
Gramain Agnès (ISST-Université Paris 1) "L'APA : un outil de solvabilisation départemental ?"
RISK Working Group
Le 20/09/2012 de 16:30:00 à 18:00:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
Plisson Manuel (LEDA-LEGOS Université Paris Dauphine) "Who is willing to pay for Long-Term Care Insurance in France? Evidence from bank data"
Co-auteur : Renaud Legal DREES-Ministère de la Santé Texte intégral
RISK Working Group
Le 24/02/2011 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
BENNARDO Alberto (Université de Salernes) Perks as second best incentive devices
co-auteur(s) : Pierre-André Chiappori & Joon Song
RISK Working Group
Le 04/11/2010 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
COLLIARD Jean-Edouard (PSE) Model-based regulation in banking and incentives to over-optimism
RISK Working Group
Le 08/04/2010 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
SCHLESINGER Harris (University of Alabama) Higher Order Risk Attitudes
Co-auteur(s) : L. Eeckhoudt)
RISK Working Group
Le 01/04/2010 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
PONTHIERE Grégory (PSE) Existence and stability of overconsumption equilibria
RISK Working Group
Le 17/09/2009 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
PESTIEAU Pierre (Université de Liège, Belgique) Social and Private Long Term Care Insurance with Variable Altruism
Motohiro Sato
RISK Working Group
Le 28/05/2009 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
DIRER Alexis (Université de Grenoble, PSE) Optimal Lottery Games: Implications for Preferences Under Risk
RISK Working Group
Le 02/04/2009 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
HOLLARD Guillaume (Paris 1) When Kahneman meets Manski : Using framing effects to make sense of individual expectations
RISK Working Group
Le 19/02/2009 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
CAPLIN Andrew (Paris 1) Dopamine, reward prediction error and economics
Discutants : Jean-Christophe VERGNAUD (Université Paris 1), Arnold CHASSAGNON (PSE-Jourdan)Texte intégral
RISK Working Group
Le 22/01/2009 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
LEGRAND François (EM Lyon) ASSET and option prices with a liquidity demand
RISK Working Group
Le 08/01/2009 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
RISK Working Group
Le 11/12/2008 de 17:00:00 à 18:30:00
Campus jourdan, Bâtiment P, Rez de chaussée, Salle 4
BIANCHI Milo (PSE) Bubbles and Crashes with Partially Sophisticated Investors
Co-auteur: Philippe Jehiel (PSE)Texte intégral